To Ozzie: I'm just getting around to posting to your reply even though I saw it at the time you posted it. (I've had trouble with my computer and couldn't post.)
Anyway, thank for such a well-put-together answer to my post and to others' thoughts on the subject. It has been something I usually think of daily as it is a wound that hasn't yet healed because I have had no one to discuss it with. I just started visiting this site a few weeks ago and last Sunday, when I saw your post of March 23 on "Restrictions", I just couldn't keep still and had to register to be able to express my thoughts and questions on this subject. First though I introduced myself with "Hi..I'm new here". Then I just had to get into this topic.
It feels so good to have support on this subject and to know I'm not alone and not somehow less of a person for not "believing what the Bible says" as all the rest of my family. They are active witnesses and all uphold the shunning of my da'd son who doesn't live at home.
I've wrestled with these questions for 15 years now and I can finally feel some satisfaction that others feel the same way and not just for emotional reasons but for solid, sound scriptural logic. Your support on my thoughts on the prodigal son was important to me because I've never yet had a logical answer only a typical WT answer as Humble gave.
I have never before had support like this on the subject of how a person can be df'd even though repentant, and that the seating restrictions before reinstatment are a fact here too.
I truly thank you Ozzie and the others who jumped onboard to try and expose to Humble, the truth of what really goes on. He started out trying to "help" and I guess I can't be surprised at his 'pat' answers because most of us were there at some time. The WT was always consulted for answers, over the Bible, and the 'theocratic blinders' we wore pushed away our doubts and clouded over the logic that we should have seen.
So many still trapped are struggling with this harsh treatment and so many other inconsistences, I truly hope that perhaps with the loud crys of discontent and exposure of the facts coming out on sites like these, that the WTS will be forced to fix the problems, stop crushing the spirit of the honest-hearted and treat the flock the way Jesus intended...with tenderness and love.
I look forward to reading more of all your posts.
Thanks for all the healing salve I received on this subject.
Had Enough